We Speak The Five Languages of Love

Have you ever figured out what your and your significant other’s love languages are? Find out here to ensure you get them the perfect gift this Valentine’s Day.

Learn The Language Of Love

  • Words Of Affirmation
  • Acts Of Service
  • Receiving Gifts
  • Quality Time
  • Physical Touch

Words Of Affirmation

This love language is all about words that make your loved one feel special. Depending on the receiver, anything can work from compliments to words of encouragement.

Music is a universal language, so there is no better way to gift words of affirmation than by dedicating a song to that special someone. Collect a couple of songs that express the way you feel and create a CD, flash stick, or tape (if you’re old school) as a sweet Valentine’s Day gift. 

Acts Of Service

This love language lies in the belief that actions speak louder than words. The key to this gift is to do rather than say.

To spoil your Valentine with a lovely act of service, head to your nearest grocer and buy some ingredients to prepare a romantic dinner for two, from scratch! 

Receiving Gifts

While this option may require you actually buying the perfect gift for your partner, you do need to think about what your loved one values.

One of the best gifts you can give is the gift of knowledge or a journey told through a story. If your partner enjoys reading books, find out their favourite genre or author (or snoop through their book wishlist) and shop for the book you know they’ll love

Quality Time

All couples need to spend some quality time together, so leave your phones and tablets at home for this one.

Enjoy each other’s company in a lovely café, where you can tuck yourselves in a corner and have interesting conversations, maybe even some good food and a cup of coffee.

Physical Touch

In a relationship, physical touch creates intimacy and allows partners to feel safe. So, don’t be afraid to hold hands, give each other massages and show some PDA. 

Give your loved one some extra love with some of their favourite beauty and body products including skincare, hair care and massaging oils, all made with the finest ingredients.

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